Today is the big day for the Anti-Sopa activists, Wikipedia’s English version is down, is dark, and has censored their homepage logo. A lot of famous big companies and Internet sites like Facebook, Mozilla, Twitter, Yahoo, Foursquare, Amazon or eBay are supporting this fight too. The black out will last all day.
We have talked about SOPA in this blog, but today is a special day because a lot of websites decided to black out. An example is, they announced that they would be blacking out their site today. four 12 hours goes dark to raise awareness of SOPA and PROTECT IP bills in US congress. They argue that these two bills could change the landscape of the Internet.
You can check if you want to blackout your web. In this web you can obtain the code to put in your web page a banner supporting the SOPA Blackout or the code to blackout your web page. With this code your web will temporarily turn down and it will show a text with information about the controversial bills SOPA and PROTECT IP(PIPA).
*About SOPA
It would particularly affect sites with heavy user generated content. Sites like Twitter, Reddit, Youtube and others may cease to exist in their current for if this bill is passed.
*About PIPA
PIPA is SOPA’s twin in the Senate. Under current DMCA law, if a user uploads a copyrighted movie to sites like Youtube, the site isn't held accountable so long as they provide a way to report user infringement. The user who uploaded the movie is held accountable for their actions, not the site. PIPA would change that - it would place the blame on the site itself, and would also provide a way for copyright holders to seize the site's domain in extreme circumstances.
*Information from
Big companies like Google are fighting really hard against these two bills. You can check this post in Google’s official blog, it’s called “Don’t censor the web” and they talk about the blackout and they explain why they are against SOPA and PIPA bills. A huge campaign asking people to send petitions to the US Congress has started, Google has enabled a landing page where every US citizen can send and sign their petition to the US Congress.
Here is a video from EngineAdvocacy where you can see a few Internet entrepreneurs talking about SOPA and PIPA and it’s possible effects on the Internet
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