Social Media have become a really important part of our lives, we use different social networks all along the day and we use it also while we are in our jobs. NetProspex Social 50 is a ranking of top corporations in America and it’s employees usage of the social networks. NetProspex Social 50 rates the activity of usage of social networks of 100.000 business contact records from their database plus information provided to them by Rapleaf a social data provider.
The top ten of the ranking:
The first company of the ranking is Microsoft with the better score in the list, followed by eBay for a long distance (306 points of Microsoft vs 208 points of eBay). The activity of the employees of this companies was analyzed in the following social networks:
- Facebook
- Linkedin
- Twitter
- MySpace
- Friendster
- Flickr
- LiveJournal
- Hi5
- Flixter
NetProspex has also prepared a Twitter ranking too, and the winner is Microsoft again, this Twitter ranking analyzes the number of followers, the number following, as well as the number of tweets. The social network most used by employees of companies according to NetProspex data is Linkedin it’s used by more than the 30% of the employees of these companies, followed by Facebook used by more than the 10% of the employees of these companies.
Social networks are important tools that can help employees of any company to do their jobs in a better way, this new reality of instant connections can make us more productive and agile, the Social Media revolution is going to change the way we work and we communicate with each other and it is important that all employees of all companies know how to correctly use these powerful tools.